5 tips for sleeping well while eating better

Taking care of nutrition is very important for getting a good night's sleep, especially if you suffer from insomnia. We report a number of useful tips.

Quality sleep is promoted by adequate nutrition at dinner: it is good to avoid overdoing protein, especially protein of animal origin. Favor protein from legumes and fish.
It is essential to eat light, including fruits and greens in the evening meal. Fiber and vitamins make these foods easy to digest and promote the mechanisms of falling asleep.
Avoid processed and high-fat foods at dinner. Fats have an action that slows digestion and negatively affects sleep.
After dinner at the end of the evening, just before going to sleep, herbal tea, tea or a glass of milk that promotes sleep is recommended. Herbal teas made with chamomile, mallow and hawthorn are perfect.
Also pay attention to seasonings: iodized salt and extra virgin olive oil are perfect, always used in moderation otherwise the risk is to provoke the opposite reaction.
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