High cholesterol? Avoid eating these fish

When talking about high cholesterol values and fish as the food of choice for one's health-saving diet, the reference undoubtedly goes to the famous Omega-3 fats.

These are substances beneficial for the health of blood vessels, not only because they lower the level of the so-called bad cholesterol but also because they stimulate the production of good cholesterol.

Fish is good for those suffering from high cholesterol, but lean fish should be preferred over fatty fish.

High cholesterol? Avoid eating these fish
Experts suggest high cholesterol sufferers to eat fish at least twice a week. Fish is good for high cholesterol sufferers, but lean fish should be favoured over fatty fish. Source: Dott. Antonella Vitiello
First of all, it seems that shellfish and crustaceans are the least suitable
This does not mean that fish unsuitable for high cholesterol should be removed from the table but only that small amounts should be consumed.
This is followed by fatty fish such as mackerel, salmon, redfish, and anchovy
Before changing your diet then, it is always a good idea to seek advice from a doctor, nutritionist or dietician to get advice on what diet is best for you and avoid incurring further health problems.
Other fish not really suitable for those suffering from high cholesterol are eel, herring, snapper, swordfish as well as caviar and roe
Nutrition is essential to help the body dispose of excess fat in the circulatory system.
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Instead, it is recommended to take Omega-3 rich oily fish such as cod.
One of the best fish for those with high cholesterol is cod. Anchovies, sardines and amberjack are also very good.
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