Does pineapple help you lose weight? Some interesting facts to discover

Pineapple is an exotic fruit that has so many benefits on our health. For example, it is rich in vitamin C, has important antioxidant properties and is also low in calories (40 kcal/100 g). In addition, the high manganese content benefits the bones (manganese is an important mineral for bone structure and cartilage formation).

Pineapple without a doubt is a fruit that is really good for you and should be eaten. Pineapple is often considered a weight-loss food, probably because of its bromelain content. This is not actually the case, although it remains a fruit that is often recommended during a diet with the 'goal of losing weight.

How so? Browse the gallery to discover some interesting facts about this exotic fruit.

Does pineapple help you lose weight? Some interesting facts to discover
Pineapple is an exotic fruit that has so many benefits on our health. For example, it is rich in vitamin C, has important antioxidant properties and is also low in calories (40 kcal/100 g). In addition, the high manganese content brings benefits to bones (manganese is an important mineral for bone structure and cartilage formation). Pineapple without a doubt is a fruit that is really good for you and should be eaten. Pineapple is often considered a weight-loss food, probably because of its bromelain content. This is not actually the case, although it remains a fruit which is often recommended during a diet with the 'goal of losing weight. How so? Browse the gallery to discover some interesting facts about this exotic fruit:
Does pineapple make you slim?
We often read and hear that pineapple makes you slim, probably due to bromelain, a substance extracted mainly from the stem of the pineapple, but also present in the flesh (in minute amounts). The truth, according to recent scientific research, has conclusively disproved that bromelain has this power.
What does bromelain really help?
Bromelain is an enzyme found mainly in the pineapple stem that aids protein digestion. It helps digest protein better but does not burn fat.
Pineapple is an aid against cellulite
Pineapple is a natural drainer, so it counteracts water retention and cellulite. In the pulp of pineapple we find organic acids that have an effective diuretic action, purifying the body. A great help against cellulite!
Pineapple helps digest meals
Precisely because bromelain promotes protein digestion, pineapple is a fruit that can help digestion especially if we have eaten eggs or meat.
Pineapple: how long does it take to become ripe?
A curiosity to discover: the pineapple is certainly not a fruit that ripens quickly. It takes almost 3 years for it to become ripe.
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