How many steps does it take per day not to gain weight? A new study reveals

Daily physical activity is one of the most effective forms of prevention against so many problems that plague our modern society. The forced sedentariness imposed by our jobs and our communities undermines our health and our future.

Intense cardiac activity, such as going to the gym, jogging or even simply walking every day, can literally save lives.

But what would be the appropriate amount of motion to be guaranteed to be healthy, at least in this respect?

We finally have the answer, revealed by a recent study published in the journal Nature Medicine.

How many steps does it take not to gain weight?
A new study, recently published in the scientific journal Nature Medicine, reveals that it takes about 8,600 steps to avert weight gain in adulthood. If 11,000 daily steps can be achieved, it would also halve the risk of reaching a state of obesity.
Dr. Evan Brittain the author of the study
Explaining how the study was conducted was Dr. Evan Brittain (division of cardiovascular medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center di Nashville, Tennessee, Usa), at the microphones of CNN, America's most famous broadcaster. In adulthood, in fact, weight gain varies from a pound to a pound each year.
How the study was conducted
Six thousand participants were monitored in the research program  All of Us of the National Institutes of Health. The subjects wore a device on them that monitored their daily habits for a minimum of 10 hours each day, in addition to having to make their health records available to the researchers.
Not only obesity is prevented, but also other diseases
The researchers also showed that, those who walk at least 6.4 km every day (8,200 steps more or less) are not only at less risk of becoming obese, but also of developing other diseases typical of adulthood and aging such as sleep apnea, acid reflux and depressive disorder.
Also important for those who are already overweight
Mind you, being overweight is different from being obese. In fact, the study showed that for those whose body mass index (BMI) was between 25 and 29, the risk of obesity is halved when walking at least 11,000 steps a day.
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