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Eight strange phobias, which ones did you know?

Phobias are seemingly irrational and persistent fears and can be directed towards all kinds of people, animals, things or situations.

The main symptom for those suffering from phobias consists in the desire to avoid the object or situation that causes fear and that generates a condition of anxiety and anguish. For psychoanalysis, phobia would originate from the removal of unconscious contents while at the level of unconscious drives, phobia is generated by the removal of an idea.

Among the many phobias that are known, many are particularly strange and curious. We have selected a few.

What are phobias
Phobias are seemingly irrational and persistent fears and can be directed towards all kinds of people, animals, things or situations. The main symptom for those suffering from phobias consists in the desire to avoid the object or situation that causes fear and that generates a condition of anxiety and anguish. For psychoanalysis, phobia would originate from the removal of unconscious contents while at the level of unconscious drives, phobia is generated by the removal of an idea. Among the many phobias that are known, many are particularly strange and curious. We have selected a few.
Haphephobia, the phobia of hugs
Aphphobia is the fear of being embraced, which is the general fear of being touched by others or touching them.
Phobophobia, fear of fear
Phobophobia is the fear of being afraid. Usually suffer from subjects who have other types of disorders related to anxiety problems and panic attacks.
Deipnophobia, fear of eating with other people
Deipnophobia is the fear of eating in the company of other people. It is a disorder related to social anxiety, that is, a disorder related to the fear of exposing oneself in public situations.
Geniophobia, the fear of chin
Geniophobia is the unjustified and abnormal fear of the chin. Among other things, it is a fear that is difficult to live with since it is difficult to avoid the vision of this part of the body ...
Nomophobia, fear that the smartphone will not work
Nomophobia, the fear that the smartphone will not work, is relatively recent. Those who suffer from it feel discomfort, anguish and even fear because they cannot use their mobile phone.
Mycophobia, fear of fungi
Mycophobia is the fear of fungi. Those affected cannot eat mushrooms or other foods that contain them.
Omphalophobia, fear of navel
Omphalophobia is the pathological fear of the navel, whether it is one's own or that of others.
Pentheraphobia, fear of mother-in-law
Pentheraphobia is the fear of one's mother-in-law. While it is true that many may not have a good relationship with their partner's mother, for some the fear is even pathological.
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