Seven tips to try to sleep better

The quality of sleep is important, both from the point of view of health and from the point of view of productivity during the day.

If for someone the sleep disorders are so serious that they require medical intervention, for other people these disorders could only be the result of incorrect habits on which it may be easy to intervene.

In this regard, the Institute of Scientific Hospitalization and Care (IRCCS) of Milan has provided some advice to promote sleep in people who have difficulty falling asleep.

The importance of resting well
The quality of sleep is important, both from the point of view of health and from the point of view of productivity during the day. If for someone the sleep disorders are so serious that they require medical intervention, for other people these disorders could only be the result of incorrect habits on which it may be easy to intervene. In this regard, the Institute of Scientific Hospitalization and Care (IRCCS) of Milan has provided some advice to promote sleep in people who have difficulty falling asleep.
Turn off computers and smartphones
Computers, smartphones and electronic devices in general are unfortunately enemies of sleep, especially because of the artificial light they emit through the screen. In addition to this, they make it more difficult to fall asleep because through them activities are performed that require attention and stimulate the brain, thus causing the release of adrenaline.
Avoid drinking a lot, just before bedtime
Those who have difficulty falling asleep should avoid drinking too much before bedtime. Those who suffer from insomnia, in fact, could see their sleep interrupted by the need to go to the bathroom. For this reason it is advisable to drink at most a couple of hours before going to sleep (especially those who are fond of herbal teas and infusions). Drinks should also be avoided
Foods not recommended
Digestion affects sleep and that is why it is important to avoid particularly large dinners or the consumption of foods high in fat and protein of animal origin. Among other foods to avoid, spicy or acidic ones are not recommended as they favor reflux.
Avoid physical activity before sleep
Those who have difficulty falling asleep should avoid exercising in the three hours before bedtime. It is advisable to do this because moderate and intense physical activity stimulates the activation of neurons and muscles, promotes blood supply to the brain, increases blood pressure and heart rate and all this contrasts with the relaxation essential to sleep.
Avoid oversleeping in the afternoon
Those who have difficulty falling asleep should avoid sleeping too long in the afternoon. While a short rest can be a good habit, excessive rest could be counterproductive.
Beware of alcohol
Alcohol only gives the impression of promoting sleep and rest but in reality it affects the production of serotonin and dopamine and in doing so reduces the quality of sleep, especially that related to phase REM.
Try to be habitual
The human body is habitual and that is why to get and maintain a good quality sleep you should try to go to sleep and wake up almost always at the same time. "Transgressions" are allowed from time to time.
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