How to have white teeth, some useful tips

Who wouldn't want a beautiful smile? Our teeth are often challenged by the foods we eat, which over time can even come to stain the most superficial part.

Stains on teeth are mainly due, in addition to poor oral hygiene habits, to the consumption of staining foods or substances such as smoking, coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, and highly colored foods such as blueberries.

But how to maintain a white smile? In this gallery we explain how.

The importance of having healthy teeth
Our teeth are often challenged by the foods we eat, which over time can even come to stain the topmost part.
Having proper oral hygiene helps a lot in maintaining the natural whiteness of teeth. However, use toothpastes that are not too aggressive
First of all, we need to engage daily at home with a toothbrush and toothpaste. It is important to brush our teeth several times a day and especially at night before going to bed, to prevent food residues, in contact with bacteria, from turning into acids, which, dissolve the enamel.
Some foods and drinks are enemies of the teeth
Stains on teeth are mainly due, in addition to poor oral hygiene habits, to the consumption of staining foods or substances such as smoking, coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, and highly colored foods such as blueberries.
Quitting smoking
The nicotine and tar in cigarettes can cause yellow or black discolorations on teeth that are difficult to remove by simple brushing. This happens because they easily penetrate the tiny grooves in tooth enamel. The advice? Quit smoking.
But how to have white teeth?
Once a week you can use baking soda as a toothpaste: the important thing, however, is not to abuse it, because it has strong abrasive power and may reduce the thickness of enamel. Soften some baking soda with a few drops of water and rub it on your teeth. The result is immediate.
Sage leaves
Sage leaves, when rubbed on teeth, help whiten them as well as give you fragrant breath.
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