How to improve your mood and take care of it

Mood changes are absolutely physiological because mood is a personal disposition of the soul, influenced by different and multiple factors.

The problem arises when changes and alterations turn into mood disorders, which can affect the person affected very negatively. At the clinical level, the threshold beyond which one can speak of mood disorders depends on the number and intensity of the symptoms manifested.

In non-pathological conditions, to take care of your mood you can follow some tips, in order to promote your well-being.

(source: Dr. Barbara Poletti, Head of the Neuropsychology Center - U.O. Neurology and Stroke Unit - Auxologico of Milan)

Learn to take care of your mood
Mood changes are absolutely physiological because mood is a personal disposition of the soul, influenced by different and multiple factors. The problem arises when changes and alterations turn into mood disorders, which can affect the person affected very negatively. At the clinical level, the threshold beyond which one can speak of mood disorders depends on the number and intensity of the symptoms manifested. In non-pathological conditions, to take care of your mood you can follow some tips, in order to promote your well-being. (source: Dr .Barbara Poletti , Head of the Neuropsychology Center - U.O. Neurology and Stroke Unit - Auxologico of Milan)
Avoid stressful situations to the limit
Each of us should always try not to reach exaggerated stress levels. He should avoid living on the edge, in short. When you are under pressure, in fact, you are much more likely to experience a strong emotional reaction. And although our body is designed to face periods of stress, even intense, it always needs to benefit from periods of rest.
Avoid negative situations that take away precious energies
Both in private and working life, it would be very useful to avoid negative situations that only have the disadvantage of taking away precious energies. A love relationship that does not work and is toxic, work situations that do not lead to anything good ... Cutting would be the best thing to do if nothing is remediable.
Indulge in rewards
Nothing positively affects the mood like a nice gratification that you give yourself. What makes you happy? Buy something you like, eat a particular food, go out with friends, go on a trip, indulge in your hobby or play sports... Well, that's the right answer.
Don't be afraid to ask for support
Finding someone who can be supportive, whether it is family or friends, is very important in times of difficulty. Asking for help is never a source of shame and talking to someone you trust can be really emotionally supportive.
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