The 9 secrets of longevity, revealed by a study

Science popularizer and essayist Dan Buettner studied five areas of the world where there is a high percentage of centenarians and ultracentenarians and tried to figure out what these particular populations had in common.

The five areas considered were the province of Nuoro (Sardinia, Italy), the island of Okinawa in Japan, the island of Ikaria in Greece, the city of Loma Linda in California (United States), and the peninsula of Nicoyan in Costa Rica.

All the information collected was analyzed by physicians, anthropologists, epidemiologists, and demographers, and 9 things were found to be in common among the five long-lived populations examined.

9 things in common among the longest-lived populations
Science popularizer and essayist Dan Buettner studied five areas of the world where there is a high percentage of centenarians and ultracentenarians and tried to find out what things were in common among these particular populations.The five areas considered were the province of Nuoro (Sardinia, Italy), the island of Okinawa in Japan, the island of Ikaria in Greece, the city of Loma Linda in California (United States) and the peninsula of Nicoyan in Costa Rica. All the information collected was analyzed by physicians, anthropologists, epidemiologists, and demographers, and 9 things were found to be in common among the five long-lived populations examined.
Longer-lived people move quite naturally
Among the nine things in common that some of the world's longest-lived populations have in common is the entirely natural way they move especially since they inhabit places where they must constantly move.
Longer-lived people make sense of their lives
Among the nine things in common among some of the longest-lived populations is knowing the meaning of one's existence, that is, knowing why one wakes up in the morning.
Longer-lived people use routine to limit stress
Among the nine things in common among some of the world's longest-lived populations is routine. Having a routine should limit the suffering of daily stress.
Longer-lived people eat in moderation
Among the nine things some of the world's longest-living populations have in common is eating lighter meals, with breakfast or lunch generally being the main meals.
Longer-lived people eat more legumes
Among the nine things in common that some of the world's longest-living populations have is a higher consumption of legumes. The diet consists of 95 percent of calories consumed from plant products and only 5 percent from animal products.
Longer-lived people drink alcohol moderately
Among the nine things in common that some of the world's longest-living populations have is moderate but regular consumption of alcohol, wine in particular.
Longer-lived people have a sense of belonging
Among the nine things in common that some of the world's longest-lived populations have is a sense of belonging (to religious services, for example).
Longer-lived people have significant emotional relationships
Among the nine things in common among some of the world's longest-lived populations is an emphasis on meaningful emotional relationships.
Longer-lived people live in communities that foster healthy behaviors
Among the nine things that longer-living populations have in common is living in communities that foster healthy behaviors, such as putting family first.
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