Use antibiotics only when you really need them, a life-saving habit

The World Health Organization has published a manual that indicates the rules that should be followed when it comes to taking antibiotics.

When to use antibiotics and when not to use? The aim, of course, is to combat bacterial resistance to these drugs, caused precisely by the abuse and unjustified and massive use of the same.

The manual made available by the World Health Organization is free and can be consulted by all. Let's find out what are some of the useful indications that are provided in it.

The importance of knowing when to use antibiotics and when not to use them
The World Health Organization has published a manual that indicates the rules that should be followed when it comes to taking antibiotics. When to use antibiotics and when not to use? The aim, of course, is to combat bacterial resistance to these drugs, caused precisely by the abuse and unjustified and massive use of the same. The manual made available by the World Health Organization is free and can be consulted by all. Let's find out what are some of the useful indications that are provided in it.
The breakdown of antibiotics
The manual published by the WHO begins by dividing antibiotics into three categories: antibiotics that have a low resistance potential and should be used for the most frequent infections; antibiotics with a wider spectrum of action and more expensive, used for more serious diseases or for which antibiotics of the previous category are not sufficient; antibiotics to be reserved for the treatment of infections caused by multi-resistant germs.
A guide for doctors
Within the WHO manual, 30 of the most common infections are taken into consideration and for each of them indications are then provided regarding the diagnostic criteria and suggested treatments. The cases are divided into diseases that may not require antibiotics or in diseases in which it is necessary to use them (indicating dosages and timing). A great way to guide the doctor in the right choice.
Combating the danger of antibiotic resistance
Fighting antibiotic resistance is a "war" that must be tackled jointly by both doctors and patients. Doctors can learn better and better to prescribe these drugs only when it is really necessary and useful to do so. Patients can participate by avoiding taking antibiotics without medical consultation. It was precisely the incorrect behavior that caused antibiotic resistance and it is absolutely necessary to try to bring the situation back to normal, to avoid that diseases today considered even "trivial", can no longer be treated with antibiotics, real life-saving drugs.
Behaviors to be corrected
What can help fight, among others, antibiotic resistance? Avoid prescribing antibiotics that are not needed, avoid prescribing antibiotics with incorrect dosage, incorrect surgical prophylaxis, do not wash your hands thoroughly and frequently inside hospitals. Antibiotic resistance is a global struggle, with some countries presenting more serious situations than others, but behaviors can certainly be corrected, if we all commit together.
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