The importance of breakfast: seven mistakes you may be making without even knowing it

Breakfast is undoubtedly the most important meal of the day, because it breaks the night fast and provides the energy needed to face the day. At the same time, eating an unbalanced, poor or even skipping breakfast is a really big mistake.

This is both because it increases the phenomenon of 'snacking', i.e. eating snacks and sugary drinks throughout the day, and because it promotes certain cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. But even those who eat an abundant and balanced breakfast may make some mistakes without even knowing it.

Precisely for this reason, we want to give you these seven tips for a perfect breakfast that will provide you with the energy you need to get through your day.

The importance of breakfast: seven mistakes you may be making without even knowing it
Breakfast is undoubtedly the most important meal of the day, because it breaks the night fast and provides the energy needed to face the day. At the same time, eating an unbalanced, poor or even skipping breakfast is a really big mistake. This is both because it increases the phenomenon of 'snacking', i.e. eating snacks and sugary drinks throughout the day, and because it promotes certain cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. But even those who eat an abundant and balanced breakfast may make some mistakes without even knowing it. Precisely for this reason, we want to give you these seven tips for a perfect breakfast that will provide you with the energy you need to get through your day.
Not eating enough at breakfast is a mistake
Not eating enough at breakfast prompts us to increase our food intake at the other meals of the day, which is completely unhealthy. A large meal in the morning, on the other hand, ignites the metabolism and helps us burn more calories during the day. This happens because breakfast makes us feel fuller, reduces our daily calorie intake, and improves the quality of our diet.
Eating too fast
Eating too fast is a common occurrence at almost every meal of our day and is undoubtedly linked to the rhythms that this society imposes on us. Binge eating very fast at breakfast can increase the risk of obesity according to some recent studies. In addition, eating at a moderate speed also reduces our hunger later on.
Don't eat carbohydrates
There is a common belief here: it is not necessary to cut out carbohydrates in the morning, but only to decide which and how many to eat. Complex carbohydrates, for example, give us constant energy throughout the day. These include, for example, oats, fresh fruit, low-sugar or whole-grain cereals. Simple carbohydrates, on the other hand, should be avoided.
Don't eat fat
The same can be said for carbohydrates as for fats: unsaturated fats are good for you and should not be demonised. For example, adding nuts and seeds to yoghurt is a great way to consume nutritious fats. Or even using peanut butter spread on wholemeal bread. It is preferable, however, to reduce saturated fats (such as butter), which can raise cholesterol.
Don't eat protein
Consuming protein in the morning helps us to control hunger in the following hours and also provides plenty of energy for the muscles. The best way to consume them are lean proteins such as almond cream, cottage cheese, milk or yoghurt. For yoghurt, however, beware: white, low-fat yoghurt is better than others, which often contain a lot of sugar. You can then flavour it with honey or chopped fruit.
Drinking the wrong juice
Juice is often associated with being nutritious and healty, but most of the time this is not the case. This is because manufacturers put so much sugar into the drink, making it much more harmful than many other things considered unhealthy. In general, it is better to prefer whole fruit to juice: it has more fiber, less sugar and fewer calories.
Do not drink water
Another big mistake we make in the morning is forgetting to drink. Often in the general confusion, between breakfast, getting ready, getting dressed and going out, often in a rush, we forget to even drink a single glass of water. Halt, very bad! Moreover, several researches confirm that drinking water helps us carb up earlier mentally and also shakes off the grumpy mood of waking up.
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