Headache: six natural remedies to relieve the pain

Headache: 6 natural remedies to relieve pain.

The headache depends mainly on the involuntary and continuous contraction of the muscles of the nape, forehead, temples, neck and shoulders, associated with tense conditions. It tends to manifest itself with attacks lasting between half an hour and a week. There are many types of headaches, but fortunately just as many natural remedies to fight and prevent it!

A method? Engaging in sports even during headaches is a good tip to help fight the disorder. Browse the photo gallery to find out what the other methods are.

Headache: six natural remedies to relieve the pain
The headache depends mainly on the involuntary and continuous contraction of the muscles of the nape, forehead, temples, neck and shoulders, associated with tense conditions. There are many types of headaches, but fortunately just as many natural remedies to fight and prevent it! Browse the photo gallery to discover the suggested methods.
Herbal teas and infusions
Drinking calming herbal teas can help relieve pain.
Regular physical activity can have beneficial effects on the frequency, intensity and duration of migraine and headache attacks, reducing the risk of developing chronic migraine.
A healthy and regular diet promotes body well-being and can help keep headaches away.
Breathing properly
There are breathing techniques that can help relieve headache symptoms.
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Practicing targeted massages can help provide relief in some circumstances.
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Heat and cold therapies
Performing thermotherapy and cryotherapy can in some cases help prevent and fight headaches. For these therapies it is good to consult your doctor.
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