High triglycerides, possible causes and symptoms

Triglycerides are a class of lipids that can have a decisive influence on a person's cardiovascular risk.

If a balanced diet is followed, a normal amount of triglycerides is absolutely necessary for the body's health. If pathological causes or an unbalanced diet intervene, on the other hand, excess triglycerides (hypertriglyceridaemia) could seriously endanger health itself.

Let's therefore try to understand what the causes and symptoms of high triglycerides may be and what diet can help keep levels under control.

The risks of hypertriglyceridemia.
Triglycerides are a class of lipids that can have a decisive influence on a person's cardiovascular risk. If a balanced diet is followed, a normal amount of triglycerides is absolutely necessary for the body's health. If pathological causes or an unbalanced diet intervene, on the other hand, excess triglycerides (hypertriglyceridaemia) could seriously endanger health itself. Let's therefore try to understand what the causes and symptoms of high triglycerides may be and what diet can help keep levels under control.
What is hypertriglyceridemia
Hypertriglyceridemia is precisely the excess of triglycerides in the blood. This condition can be a serious health hazard as it raises the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases or pancreatitis.
The possible causes
High triglycerides can have primary causes, such as genetic mutations, family predisposition or disease. Secondary causes, on the other hand, are mainly a sedentary lifestyle often associated with a diet high in saturated fats. Other secondary causes include diabetes mellitus, alcohol abuse, liver disease or the intake of certain medications.
The possible symptoms
Those suffering from hypertriglyceridaemia do not experience any particular symptoms related to this situation. On the other hand, a significant increase in triglycerides may lead to eruptive xanthomas that may appear on various parts of the body.
Helping oneself with nutrition
To try to prevent a high level of triglycerides in the blood, diet is of great help. Among the main tips to follow: eliminate alcohol, prefer legumes to meat, prefer olive oil as a condiment, consume foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, limit the use of salt, follow a diet low in saturated and hydrogenated fats.
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