Keeping your cell phone in your pocket harms your health: here are the reasons why

Explain the reasons why keeping your phone in your pocket is bad for your health.

Apple, the world's largest phone company, provides manuals along with the devices in which it explains the risks involved, advising people never to keep their cell phones in their pants pockets.
The company explains that it would be best not to hold the device in contact with the body, rather it should be placed at a safe distance of at least 10 millimeters from the user's body.
Bad signal
It is also not recommended to use the phone when there is a bad signal: this is because attempting to connect to a repeater increases radiation emission.
The "carry" position is not considered by the tests performed, which instead tests the radiation emitted by the device against the human head while the person is talking.
In fact, the tests conducted assume that the phone is stored in a case, so that it is away from the body when it is transmitting at its highest power.
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