Eight tips to enjoy Christmas and not gaining weight

Gaining weight at Christmas is a common fear. Large portions of high-calorie meals and doing nothing usually gain a few extra pounds.

But this is not absolutely necessary! Just follow some tips and stay alert to the little things. In this way we can find ourselves in shape even immediately after the holidays.

For example, it is really important to maintain a certain amount of sleep to stay fit.

Browse the gallery to discover our eight tips on how to enjoy Christmas without gaining weight.

Eight tips to enjoy Christmas and not gain weight
Gaining weight at Christmas is a common fear. Large portions of high-calorie meals and doing nothing usually gain a few extra pounds. But this is not absolutely necessary! Just follow some tips and stay alert to the little things. In this way we can find ourselves in shape even immediately after the holidays. For example, it is really important to maintain a certain amount of sleep to stay fit. Browse the gallery to discover our eight tips on how to enjoy Christmas without getting fat.
1. Use smaller plates to reduce food flow rates
In addition to high-calorie foods, portion size is also a big issue. A nice trick are also smaller plates, where the portion will look optically larger. Do not forget that we also eat with our eyes.
2. Get enough sleep
Lack of sleep can contribute to weight gain. If you don't get enough sleep (which is quite common at Christmas), this affects the levels of hormones that control feelings of satiety and hunger: leptin, ghrelin, and cortisol. So you tend to be hungrier, crave sweets and eat more.
3. Do not eat food that we do not want to eat
Obviously, during the holidays this is a bit more difficult, but you have to remember to eat consciously. Stop for a moment and realize if you are hungry and if you need to eat so much. We don't have to eat food we don't want just because someone offers it to us. In order not to offend, just taste little.
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4. Make sure you're getting enough protein
Try to get at least 15-20 g of protein in each meal along with other nutrients (complex carbohydrates and fiber). Proteins ensure a feeling of satiety. This means that we will not have cravings or hunger and therefore we will eat less. Also on the Christmas table you can find lean meats, low- and medium-fat dairy products, eggs and often legumes.
5. Make sure you're getting enough fiber
Do not forget about the fiber. Fiber is important because it takes care of the feeling of satiety. Studies show that getting enough fiber will help keep your overall calorie intake in check.
6. Keep stress under control
Christmas as a celebration of calm and peace? Not quite. Let's face it, Christmas can be quite a stressful affair. When we are stressed, the level of the hormone cortisol increases. This leads to greater food consumption and therefore weight gain.
7. Visit loved ones? Bring something healthy
It's easy to overeat, especially during visits. Let's do it smart, and we bring something healthy to this year's Christmas visits. For example, a cake or typical gingerbread prepared at home with a small amount of sweeten. It will be appreciated!
8. Prepare traditional recipes in a healthier way
Traditional Christmas treats full of sugar and unhealthy saturated fat combined with lazy days are the main cause of weight gain. For example, try replacing sugar with alternative sweeteners such as xylitol and stevia.
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