Five herbal teas that can improve digestion

You know that unpleasant feeling after eating, when you have heartburn, which is full to burst and the belly is annoyingly swollen? It has happened to almost everyone at least once in their life and during the holidays it is even more likely.

Problems with digestion can be very distressing. But there are several natural solutions that can help in case these problems occur.

For example, herbal teas that are known as a remedy against indigestion. Herbs are a powerful remedy and can sometimes help solve even multiple health problems at once. Browse the gallery to discover five herbal teas that can help in cases of indigestion.

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Five herbal teas that can improve digestion
You know that unpleasant feeling after eating, when you have heartburn, which is full to burst and the belly is annoyingly swollen? It has happened to almost everyone at least once in their life and during the holidays it is even more likely. Problems with digestion can be very distressing. But there are several natural solutions that can help in case these problems occur. For example, herbal teas that are known as a remedy against indigestion. Herbs are a powerful remedy and can sometimes help solve even multiple health problems at once. Browse the gallery to discover five herbal teas that can help in cases of indigestion.
Mint tea
Peppermint is an herb known for its refreshing taste and ability to soothe the stomach. Menthol, a compound in peppermint, may improve digestive problems.
Ginger herbal tea
Ginger is a flowering plant native to Asia. Its root is used all over the world as a spice. Ginger compounds, known as gingerols and shogaols, can help stimulate contractions and emptying of the stomach. Ginger can therefore help in case of nausea, abdominal cramps, bloating, gas or indigestion.
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Fennel herbal tea
Fennel is an herb with a flavor that looks a bit like licorice. Both animal and human studies have shown that fennel helps prevent gastric ulcers. It can also help relieve constipation and promote bowel movements.
Lemon balm
Everyone knows lemon balm. It is mainly used in the treatment of insomnia as a tea, which can calm the mind. However, it also has other benefits. Lemon balm syrup is an excellent base for calming stomach and intestinal cramps, reducing bloating, and also starting digestion.
Dandelion infusion
Dandelions have yellow flowers, we often find them on the lawn near our homes and are often considered weeds. It is a real shame, because dandelion has many interesting uses for our health. Also for our digestion. Studies have shown that dandelion extracts contain compounds that can support digestion by stimulating muscle contractions and promoting the flow of food from the stomach to the small intestine.
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