Training in winter: the benefits of cold training

Keeping fit is essential for the health of the body: a true sportsman is aware that to keep the muscles trained it is necessary to be constant and not interrupt the training routine due to external forces (such as cold).

With the arrival of winter it is normal that the desire to go out to train decreases, but it is good to know that the cold is an excellent ally of health, especially when it comes to training.

In this photo gallery we have collected some benefits of outdoor and cold training, which may amaze you but which it is important to be aware of. Training with cold temperatures brings many benefits, but you must be aware that it can also have negative consequences: for this reason it is essential to cover yourself well (especially the extremities of the body) and warm up the muscles before going out to train. In any case, it is always advisable to contact your doctor and sports professionals before practicing outdoor training, so as to have all the necessary information to train safely.

Keeping fit is essential for the health of the body
With the arrival of winter it is normal that the desire to go out to train decreases, but it is good to know that the cold is an excellent ally of health, especially when it comes to training. In this photo gallery we have collected some benefits of outdoor and cold training, which may amaze you but which it is important to be aware of. Training with cold temperatures brings many benefits, but you must be aware that it can also have negative consequences: for this reason it is essential to cover yourself well (especially the extremities of the body) and warm up the muscles before going out to train. In any case, it is always advisable to contact your doctor and sports professionals before practicing outdoor training, so as to have all the necessary information to train safely.
Training in the cold lowers blood pressure and reduces stress
As stated by "GQ Italia", outdoor physical activity reduces blood pressure and heart rate. Training in the cold helps to achieve better performance than indoor training because you suffer less fatigue.
Training in the open air promotes rest
Training outdoors has several benefits: among these it is important to remember that breathing fresh air (possibly clean) rather than indoor air indoors can help relieve insomnia.
Natural light provides "hidden" energy
As also stated by internationally renowned athletes, such as Cristiano Ronaldo (source:, exposure to the sun for 20/30 minutes a day is very healthy for the body. Natural light from the sun provides energy to the mind and body, thanks to the vitamin D contained in the sun's rays.
Being outdoors improves mood
Outdoor training promotes the release of serotonin, the hormone of relaxation and happiness. This can help reduce the level of stress.
Cold can help you lose weight
The cold can help you lose more weight because suffering from low temperatures burns more fat. This is due to the chills you feel due to the cold, which can help turn white fat (reserve) into brown fat (to be burned). This means that outdoor training forces the body to burn more calories to maintain proper thermoregulation, which makes physical activity more effective.
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