Five foods that trigger headaches that you should avoid

Headaches can also be fought at the table. It is well known, in fact, that some foods can promote this annoying disorder, which can often significantly compromise the quality of life.

Some foods, in some particularly sensitive people, which tend to suffer more from headaches, can in fact cause discomfort or at least favor it. Such people should therefore limit or eliminate these foods (and drinks) from their diet altogether.

Obviously, the main advice remains to contact your doctor in case the disorder is frequent, constant or you suspect that it may be the symptom of another on which it is necessary to deepen more.

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Fighting headaches at the table
Headaches can also be fought at the table. It is well known, in fact, that some foods can promote this annoying disorder, which can often significantly compromise the quality of life. Some foods, in some particularly sensitive people, which tend to suffer more from headaches, can in fact cause discomfort or at least favor it. Such people should therefore limit or eliminate these foods (and drinks) from their diet altogether. Obviously, the main advice remains to contact your doctor in case the disorder is frequent, constant or you suspect that it may be the symptom of another on which it is necessary to deepen more.
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Do not drink excess coffee
Drinking an excessive amount of coffee can promote headaches. People most prone to this disorder should avoid drinking too much coffee, also because excessive doses could cause anxiety.
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Do not overdo it with sausages
The reason why we recommend a limited consumption of sausages, lies in the fact that the latter may contain nitrites, ie preservatives used to ensure that the sausages maintain flavor and color unaltered. Nitrites can promote headaches in some particularly sensitive individuals.
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Alcohol, obviously in limited quantities
Alcohol can cause headaches in some people due to the possible presence of sulfites and histamine. Alcohol abuse can also cause headaches but this should be avoided regardless, as it can have a whole host of other serious consequences.
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Beware of monosodium glutamate
Monosodium glutamate can be found in stock cubes, soups and many packaged foods. It seems to be able to trigger headaches especially when taken with liquid foods. If you are particularly sensitive to it, it is good to avoid it, reading food labels carefully.
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Gluten, a problem for celiacs
Those who are celiac should avoid gluten also because this, in subjects suffering from celiac disease, would cause headaches. On the other hand, there was no correlation between the onset of headaches and gluten intake in those who are not celiac.
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