7 vices to give up to live better
No more spending more than necessary. Living up to your means allows you to maintain a balance that is fundamental to your peace of mind.
Stop worrying about other people's opinions. To please everyone is impossible; becoming aware of this will never be too late to live better!
Minimize Junk Food. It may taste good, but eating excess of it is not good for your health.
Get up off that couch: it may be comfortable, but by now it has taken your shape! There are endless more rewarding activities than spending your days with your feet in the air.
This girl's nails look great, but ours unfortunately don't: let's stop eating them!
Maybe it's not Junk Food, okay, but eating at 3 o'clock in the morning is still not good. If you do, immediately stop eating at non-regular times.
Well of course, quit smoking. The health and wallet benefits are immediate, and those around you will thank you as well.