Licorice: some beneficial properties of a plant allied to health

Licorice: some beneficial properties of a plant allied to health. Licorice, a plant native to the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern area, was already known in ancient Greek medicine but only in the fifteenth century was it introduced by Dominican friars in Europe.

As reported by "", licorice is a food that if correctly inserted into your diet can bring many health benefits, both in the form of root and in the form of an ingredient for the known candies.

In the next slides we will report some benefits of licorice.

Some benefits of licorice, according to
Licorice, a plant native to the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern area, was already known in ancient Greek medicine but only in the fifteenth century was it introduced by Dominican friars in Europe. As reported by "", licorice is a food that if correctly inserted into your diet can bring many health benefits, both in the form of root and in the form of an ingredient for the known candies. In the next slides we will report some benefits of licorice.
Problems related to throat, mouth and cervical
Licorice root can be chewed if you intend to take advantage of its anti-inflammatory action to combat annoying problems such as herpes or sore throat and relieving cervical pain.
Problems such as disorders of the gastrointestinal tract can be improved by the consumption of licorice: in particular it can help relieve symptoms related to slow digestion, aerophagia, gastritis,  constipation and gastro-duodenal ulcers.
Promotes rest
Licorice can be taken in the form of tea. Drinking licorice tea promotes rest and fights insomnia thanks to the regulation of sugar in the blood. A quality rest promotes the sense of well-being of each individual and can help reduce stress.
Dental health
Licorice root extracts are often used in the production of oral care products, mouthwashes and toothpastes, due to its protective antibacterial effects. They are therefore particularly suitable for the prevention and treatment of dental caries and gingivitis. 
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