Three plants that help keep mosquitoes away

'Anti-mosquito' plants have scents and odours that are unpleasant to insects. This characteristic is mainly found in aromatic plants and herbs that are rich in highly perfumed essential oils. 

While these aromas are irresistible to some insects, approaching the plant for pollination, they are repellent to mosquitoes, keeping them away. Among different plants and herbs, there are real allies in repelling mosquitoes from our homes. 

In addition, many essential oils can be used to create preparations that keep mosquitoes away from our skin. Let us now find out what these 'anti-mosquito' plants are.

These plants help keep mosquitoes away
'Anti-mosquito' plants have scents and odours that are unpleasant to insects. This characteristic is mainly found in aromatic plants and herbs that are rich in highly fragrant essential oils. Among the different plants and herbs, there are true allies in repelling mosquitoes from our homes. In addition, many essential oils can be used to create preparations that keep mosquitoes away from our skin. Let us now find out what these 'anti-mosquito' plants are.
1. Lemongrass
Lemongrass is an aromatic plant widely recognised for its mosquito repellent properties. It is commonly used in anti-mosquito products such as sticks, sprays or lotions to be applied to the skin. Citronella is also often used in aroma diffusers to purify the air and keep annoying mosquitoes away.
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Other benefits of lemongrass
It lowers blood cholesterol, has a beneficial effect on nervous diseases, fevers, malaria and influenza. Tea made from lemongrass leaves improves digestion, increases the ability to concentrate. (Source: wikipedia)
2. Basil
Basil is not only delicious as an aromatic herb, it also has the ability to ward off annoying mosquitoes. Not only will you be able to add a touch of freshness to your dishes, but you will also have a natural and effective way to protect yourself from pesky insects.
Basil: not just for cooking
Not only will you be able to add a touch of freshness to your dishes, but you will also have a natural and effective way to protect yourself from pesky insects. So take advantage of the many benefits of basil: plant it without hesitation and defeat mosquitoes in a natural and pleasant way.
3. Lavender
Among the various 'anti-mosquito' plants, lavender species are particularly effective in keeping mosquitoes away and can relieve itching after a sting. Lavender is often used as the main ingredient in numerous soothing products for insect bites.
The fragrance of lavender is appreciated by humans, but it also repels mosquitoes. You can grow lavender seedlings in gardens or put lavender sprigs in the house to ward off mosquitoes.
How to use 'anti-mosquito' plants?
Plants rich in essential oils are perfect for growing indoors, either on windowsills or balconies. By placing them near windows and doors, they can keep insects and annoying mosquitoes away, providing a healthier environment inside the house.
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