Cancer: here's how cucumbers can reduce the risk and stop its growth

Some research suggests that eating cucumbers may help reduce the risk of cancer and even stop the growth of cancer cells.

Cancer is one of the world's most feared diseases and is increasingly being studied by researchers. Among the many strategies to reduce the risk of contracting this disease, choosing the right food can make a big difference.

In this photo gallery we will look at some of the scientific studies that have shown the benefits of cucumbers in preventing and fighting cancer.

Through this scientific research we will discover some of the reasons why cucumber should be a regular addition to everyone's diet. (sources:

Cancer: here's how cucumbers can reduce the risk and stop its growth
Some research suggests that eating cucumbers may help reduce the risk of cancer and even stop the growth of cancer cells. In this photo gallery we will look at some of the scientific studies that have shown the benefits of cucumbers in preventing and fighting cancer. (sources:
High cucurbitacin content
Cucumbers may help fight cancer due to their high cucurbitacin B content (CuB), according to a study. CuB is a naturally occurring plant compound that produces effect on cancer cells. (Source:
Helps fight cancer
Specifically, research at CuB indicates that cucumber can help fight liver, breast, lung and prostate cancer. (Source:
Destroys cancer cells
Research specifies that CuB may help stop cancer growth and possibly destroy cancer cells. (Source:
He also eats the peel
According to some research, in addition to the pulp, it is also advisable to eat the cucumber skin: it is in fact a better source of cucurbitacin (CuB) than the pulp. (Source:
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