What to do in case of a panic attack

The panic attack is a possible manifestation of an anxiety disorder that manifests itself with acute moments of strong physical malaise and a strong feeling of fear and discomfort, sometimes even physical.

Those who suffer from panic attacks feel as if they are in danger and often the feeling comes suddenly, perhaps without any reason. This state tends to last between 15 and 20 minutes and among the symptoms that are felt, the most common are difficulty breathing, palpitations, sweating, tremor, tingling and fainting.

Learning to recognize and cope with panic attacks is important to overcome them. In this regard, there are some things that can be done. Let's find out which ones.

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Recognizing panic attack
The panic attack is a possible manifestation of an anxiety disorder that manifests itself with acute moments of strong physical malaise and a strong feeling of fear and discomfort, sometimes even physical. Learning to recognize and cope with panic attacks is important to overcome them because in this way you can control the feeling of fear more.
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Do breathing exercises
To overcome a panic attack it is important to learn to do some breathing exercises. Controlling breathing helps normalize the heartbeat and reduce the feeling of anxiety.
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Distorting attention
To overcome panic attacks it can be useful to divert attention. When the episode occurs, stopping to focus on the moment of panic helps you feel better. Among the tips to put into practice: wash your face, pet your pet, smell a pleasant essence, exercise, tidy up the room or do anything else that distracts attention.
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Take note of panic episodes
To overcome panic attacks it may be useful to take note of some details. For example, you can take note of where the panic attack occurs, what you were doing, and anything else that could provide useful information. Taking note also serves to understand the frequency of attacks.
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Seek medical help
To overcome panic attacks, especially if frequent, it is good to rely on medical support. Mental health specialists can help manage panic attacks and disorder, either with appropriate drug therapy or by teaching you to deal with and overcome your conditioning.
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