Top five foods that lower cholesterol

How to reduce excess cholesterol?

Blood cholesterol level is determined by endogenous production (70% TOT, by the liver) and that ingested through food (30% TOT).

Diet and physical activity are the two winning weapons for improving cholesterolemia; combining both results in lifestyle improvements that lead to:

reduction in total cholesterolemia, reduction in bad cholesterol (LDL), increase in good cholesterol (HDL) consequently decreasing cardiovascular risk.

Cholesterol-lowering foods fall into 5 groups
The five food groups are divided by characteristics: rich in dietary fiber; rich in omega-3 essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) (AGEs); rich in omega-6 PUFA-AGE; rich in omega-9 PUFAs; and fortified in sterols and or plant stanols.
Food group with dietary fiber
Foods with dietary fiber are plant-based foods, thus: vegetables, fruits, cereals (especially whole grains), legumes and mushrooms; the fiber component that acts most on cholesterolemia is the "soluble" one, and the daily dietary fiber intake should amount to about 30 g (soluble + insoluble).
Group of foods with omega 3
Foods rich in omega 3 improve the metabolism of all lipids carried in the blood, from cholesterol to triglycerides; they also help reduce cardiovascular risk through their anti-thrombotic, anti-inflammatory and hypotensive functions. The omega 3 family includes: alpha linolenic acid (ALA) or 18:3-omega 3, contained mainly in foods of plant origin (soybean, flax, walnut, kiwi oils, etc.); eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) 20:5-omega 3, contained mainly in foods of animal origin (oils and meats of bluefish and those belonging to cold seas); docosahexanoic acid (DHA) 22:6-omega 3 (again, oils and meats of bluefish and those belonging to cold seas).
Group of foods with omega 6
Foods rich in omega 6 also improve the metabolism of endogenous cholesterol; omega 6 fatty acids have the ability to reduce total cholesterol but without discrimination between LDL and HDL. All omega-6 essential polyunsaturated fatty acids are mainly contained in seeds and nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, peanuts, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, etc.), seed oils, nut oils, and legumes.
Group of foods with omega 9
Foods rich in omega 9 selectively act on cholesterolemia by reducing only LDL and triglycerides (VLDL), while keeping intact or even increasing the portion of circulating HDL; omega 9 fatty acids are mainly contained in olives and virgin olive oil.
Group of foods with added plant sterols and or stanols
Foods rich in plant sterols and stanols are fortified, hence dietary, foods. Sterols and stanols (such as the phospholipid lecithin) bind cholesterol (preferably in co-participation with dietary fiber) and hinder its intestinal absorption; 2 milligrams (mg) per day of sterols and/or stanols (contained in about 2 dietary fortified yogurts or two glasses of orange juice of the same category) can reduce LDL cholesterol by up to 10 percent of the total while keeping the HDL fraction intact.
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