The therapeutic properties of thermal waters

The therapeutic properties of thermal waters.

Spa treatments are often recommended in case of respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, chronic bronchopathies and occupational exposure to irritants and dust, asthmatic or catarrhal bronchitis, COPD (chronic obstructive bronchopathy). In addition to relaxing the body, spas are also good for the spirit, improving the quality of sleep and relaxing the mind.

Beneficial action also on articular cartilage; Anti-inflammatory action, thanks to sulfur and baking soda contained in thermal waters. Browse the photo gallery to discover the therapeutic properties of thermal waters.

Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and disinfectant effect
Healing power of respiratory tract disorders
Counteract skin hyperactivity, vasculopathies, arthrorheumatic diseases
Strengthen the Immune System
Regularize the Menstrual Cycle
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