The eight numbers of health: how to have maximum physical results with minimum effort

Taking care of one's psycho-physical health is fundamental to leading a healthy and peaceful existence, but often our hectic lives do not even give us time to stop and think about how we are living.

However, there is no need to turn your life upside down; a few simple tips and a few 'numbers' are enough to improve your existence and your health. Physical activity, friends, meditation and little else are what we need to be happy and well.

Achieving maximum results with minimum effort is possible, just rely on these eight numbers.

The eight numbers of health: how to have maximum physical results with minimum effort
Taking care of one's psycho-physical health is fundamental to leading a healthy and peaceful existence, but often our hectic lives do not even give us time to stop and think about how we are living. However, there is no need to turn your life upside down; a few simple tips and a few 'numbers' are enough to improve your existence and your health. Physical activity, friends, meditation and little else are what we need to be happy and well. Achieving maximum results with minimum effort is possible, just rely on these eight numbers.
2 - minutes required to use the foam roller
British physiologist Dean Smerset claims that it takes 90 to 120 seconds for the muscles to decontract using a foam roller. Consequently, there is no need to spend so much time with this tool, which is actually functional in just a few minutes. Relaxing the muscles is essential in order not to develop chronic pain and discomfort that increase with age.
1 out of 5 - Prescriptions you really need
A survey published by PLOS One exposes the two main reasons why doctors prescribe prescription drugs and unnecessary clinical examinations: the first is that they fear they will be accused of malpractice if they refuse, and the second is that patients often put strong pressure on them to prescribe anything. Dr Dasgupta, reported by Men's Health, says that reviewing one's treatment and not overprescribing is a great way to live well.
1 - Comprehensive medical examination every year
Preventive medicine is the best possible way to ensure that we live a healthy life. Dr. Raj Dasgupta, a physician at the University of Southern California, argues that knowing the health status of our body, from the heart to the colon to the prostate (for men), is crucial to living a healthy life.
5 - The real friends you need to feel better
Researcher Robin Dunbar, author of the book 'Friends. Understanding the Power of the Most Important Relationships', says that the number and quality of close friendships is a perfect indicator of physical well-being, mental health and even longevity.
7 - Workout minutes to get you in shape
Physiologist Dean Somerset also speaks of seven minutes as sufficient training time to improve heart and lung health, insulin levels, muscle strength and endurance. Ideally, choose 14 free-body exercises, divided between strength and endurance. Do 20 seconds of an exercise, with a 10-second break. Obviously, the more trained will need a higher threshold.
0 - The resolutions you need to make at the beginning of the year
Tara McMullin, author of the motivational book 'What Works' argues that making New Year's resolutions increases anxiety about failing, and therefore is not a good way to cope. It would be better, she argues, to plan goals every three months. This way, you will have a shorter and more predictable time frame. Moreover, short-term goals, on a psychological level, improve our self-esteem and self-confidence.
2 - Minutes you need to increase your chances of quitting smoking
According to the latest analysis by the Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group, a brief conversation with your GP significantly increases your chances of quitting smoking. There are in fact scientifically proven techniques for successfully quitting smoking, but people are often unaware of them.
13 - Minutes of meditation needed per day
According to research conducted by New York University, guided meditation lasting less than 15 minutes helps improve mood and memory, increase attention span, and decrease anxiety,
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