WCRF recommendations for cancer prevention

Cancer prevention is an important topic, and the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) has compiled a list of recommendations based on the latest scientific evidence to help prevent cancer.

In this photo gallery, we present these recommendations through pictures and descriptions to make the importance of following a healthy lifestyle for cancer prevention more accessible and understandable.

We hope that these recommendations will be helpful to everyone who wants to adopt a healthier lifestyle and reduce the risk of developing cancer.

The recommendations of the World Cancer Research Fund for cancer prevention
Cancer prevention is an important topic, and the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) has compiled a list of recommendations based on the latest scientific evidence to help prevent cancer. In this photogallery, we present these recommendations through pictures and descriptions to make the importance of following a healthy lifestyle for cancer prevention more accessible and understandable. We hope that these recommendations will be of help to everyone who wants to adopt a healthier lifestyle and reduce the risk of developing cancer.
Body weight should be kept within normal limits.
Physical activity
Carry out regular physical activity. Spend less time sitting and integrate physical activity into your daily routine.
Power supply
Care for nutrition, incorporating foods such as whole grains, vegetables, fruits and beans into one's diet.
Fast food
In addition to supplementing healthy foods, it is important to limit consumption of "fast food" and other processed foods high in fat, starches or sugar.
freepik freepik
Red meat
Consumption of red and processed meat should be moderate. Ideally, little or no processed meat should be eaten.
Sugary drinks
Limit consumption of sugary drinks. It is recommended to drink mainly water and unsweetened beverages.
Limit consumption of alcoholic beverages.
Taking supplements for cancer prevention is not recommended.
Breastfeeding the baby is good for both the mother and the baby.
Diagnosis of cancer
After a cancer diagnosis, follow the recommendations of the World Cancer Research Fund and consult your doctor.
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