Coffee diet: what we know and doubts

The coffee diet is a relatively new diet program that is rapidly gaining popularity. According to the doctor who made it popular, it involves drinking several cups of coffee a day while limiting calorie intake.

To give fame to this diet was the book of Dr. Bob Arnott "The Coffee Lover's Diet". In the book, Dr. Arnot states that drinking coffee repeatedly can speed up metabolism, burn more fat, block calorie absorption, and reduce appetite. He was inspired to write the book after studying people living on the small Greek island of Ikaria, which has a large population of healthy seniors.

According to Dr. Bob Arnott 's book "The Coffee Lover's Diet" the coffee diet would help to lose weight quickly, but there are doubts about its safety.

Coffee diet: how it would work and doubts
The coffee diet is a relatively new diet program that is rapidly gaining popularity. According to the doctor who made it popular, it involves drinking several cups of coffee a day while limiting calorie intake. To give fame to this diet was the book of Dr. Bob Arnott "The Coffee Lover's Diet". In the book, Dr. Arnot states that drinking coffee repeatedly can speed up metabolism, burn more fat, block calorie absorption, and reduce appetite.
The coffee diet was popularized by Dr. Bob Arnott "The Coffee Lover's Diet"'s book
In the book, Dr. Arnot states that drinking coffee repeatedly can speed up metabolism, burn more fat, block calorie absorption and reduce appetite.
Why Bob Arnott wrote this book
Arnott was inspired to write the book "The Coffee Lover's Diet" after studying the people living on the small Greek island of Ikaria, which has a large population of healthy elderly people.
How the coffee diet would work
The coffee diet, according to Arnott, involves drinking at least 3 cups (720 ml) of light roasted coffee per day. Arnot places particular emphasis on the type of coffee chosen and the way it is prepared. He recommends lightly roasted whole grain coffee, which is ground at home and brewed with filtered water.
How much coffee can you drink according to Arnott
During the diet, according to Arnott, you can drink as much coffee as you want - both regular and decaf - as long as you reach a minimum of 3 cups (720 ml). However, avoid using sugar or cream.
What else to do according to Arnott
Dr. Bob Arnott recommends replacing one meal a day with a homemade, fiber-rich green smoothie. Recommended smoothie recipes are listed in his book.
Other meals and snacks
Other meals and snacks, according to Arnott, should be low in calories and fat and high in fiber from whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Examples of Dr. Arnott 's eating plans in the book contain about 1,500 calories per day, probably far fewer than the calories consumed on average. Foods suitable for this diet include tofu, stir-fried vegetables, brown rice, salad or grilled chicken with vinaigrette sauce.
Potential benefits of the coffee diet according to Arnott
Coffee is rich in caffeine and antioxidants called polyphenols, which have numerous health benefits, including reducing inflammation and free radical damage.
Disadvantages and doubts
Unfortunately, the coffee diet may have several downsides. Drinking large amounts of caffeinated coffee can lead to excessive intake of this substance, which can cause several problems, including high blood pressure, insomnia and depression. Unfortunately, no long-term studies have evaluated the safety or effectiveness of the coffee diet.
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