Allergy? Useful tips to prevent it
Allergies have become a widespread problem in modern society, but fortunately, there are steps we can take to prevent their occurrence.
In this photo gallery, we will explore eleven valuable tips to help you protect yourself from allergies and live a healthier life, as provided by the 'Mayo Clinic'.
You will discover some of the most frequently used strategies to avoid common allergens, such as dust, pollen, dust mites and foods that often cause allergic reactions. We will also explore the role of personal hygiene, household cleaning, work environment and other factors that can contribute to allergy prevention.
Allergy? Useful tips to prevent it
Allergies have become a widespread problem in modern society, but fortunately there are measures we can take to prevent their occurrence.
The rain is your friend
Is it sunny and windy? Better to stay at home or avoid being outdoors for a long time anyway. The best time to go out and 'enjoy' the day is after a good rain, which helps remove pollen from the air.
Mowing the lawn, pulling weeds and other gardening chores trigger allergens - to be avoided at all costs.
Take a shower after being outdoors.
Wash hands often
Wash your hands often and avoid touching your face.
Pollen can stick to sheets and towels if hung outside to dry: much better to dry clothes inside.
"Outdoor" clothes
Remove the clothes used for going out when you return home and immediately put them in the wash.
If you do work outside the home, it is better to protect yourself with a face mask.
Check the weather before leaving home so you are not caught unprepared.
Prevent by using allergy medications before symptoms begin.
Doors and windows
Doors and windows must be closed so that pollen cannot enter.
Physical activity
Outdoor activity is all very well, but it is better to avoid certain times: in particular, it is better to avoid early mornings, because pollen counts are higher.