Playing sports improves studying and learning: scientific research proves it

A study conducted by a team of Dutch researchers in 2021 showed, through an interesting experiment, how physical activity has a very positive effect on the ability to study, learn and memorise.

This is not the first time that scientists have related motor activity to brain capacity and predisposition to study, but the results of this research actually found a positive correlation between short-term memory and physical activity.

The research was conducted at the Donders Institute of the Radboud University Medical Centre in the Netherlands and published in 'Current Biology'.

Physical activity improves studying: evidence comes from a scientific study
A study conducted by a team of Dutch researchers in 2021 showed in an interesting experiment how physical activity has a very positive effect on the ability to study, learn and memorise.
Physical activity improves studying: evidence comes from a scientific study
The study was conducted at the Donders Institute of the Radboud University Medical Centre in the Netherlands and published in 'Current Biology'.
Physical activity improves studying: evidence comes from a scientific study
In the course of the study, 72 people were asked to memorise 90 different images over the course of 40 minutes. After that, these participants were divided into three groups: one was at rest, the other two did fitness (35 minutes of exercise cycling) at different times (immediately and after 4 hours). The researchers then finished the examination by observing which images the participants were able to remember by subjecting them to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Physical activity improves studying: evidence comes from a scientific study
What emerged from the study, the immediate observations, was that those who exercised with the exercise bike four hours after the images were memorised were able to remember a greater number of images than the others, also showing more attention to the details of the images themselves.
Physical activity improves studying: evidence comes from a scientific study
At the chemical-cerebral level, it was noted that in these subjects the area of the hippocampus (used for memory and learning) appeared to be more active and efficient. According to the researchers, this is due to the secretion, during physical activity, of 'catecholamine' molecules such as dopamine and adrenalin.
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