The 5 perfect fall herbal teas to fight off flu and colds

Five herbal teas perfect for fighting flu-like illnesses during fall and winter.

Ginger. Along with lemon or orange, this spice is very valuable in the fall for its ability to prevent seasonal ills. It improves blood circulation, is rich in antioxidants, aids digestion, and reduces ailments such as nausea.
Cardamom. This Indian spice helps prevent colds, coughs and clear the respiratory tract. It is combined with ginger or cinnamon.
Eucalyptus. Perfect for clearing the airways, it helps boost immunity and detoxify the body. Pairs well with thyme, mint and linden.
Echinacea. Another very valuable spice during the coldest time of the year. Like the others, it helps strengthen the immune system and prevent colds and flu. It pairs well with rose hips.
Vitamin C. It can be found in citrus fruits, such as orange and lemon, kiwi, nettle, aloe vera, red fruits, and papaya. You just have to choose your favorite!
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