Knee pain when you stand up? These tips may help you

Knee pain, contrary to what one may think, is not a question of age. Of course, advancing years bring a considerable increase in physical aches and pains, but the specific ache in the knee joint affects both young and old. 

The causes can be anything from a simple bump to a decrease in cartilage to tissue inflammation. In addition, the pain is felt more when standing than when resting, sitting or lying down, and the pain is aggravated when standing up. Are there any remedies? 

Obviously, the first thing to do is to consult a doctor if you have chronic pain that affects your life, but in general, some advice can also be helpful. Instrumental examinations can also better clarify the causes of this pain, and may help you in the analysis and treatment phase. In the meantime, read our advice, it certainly won't hurt.

Knee pain when you stand up? These tips may help you
Knee pain, contrary to what one may think, is not a question of age. Of course, advancing years bring a considerable increase in physical aches and pains, but the specific ache in the knee joint affects both young and old. The causes can be anything from a simple bump to a decrease in cartilage to tissue inflammation. In addition, the pain is felt more when standing than when resting, sitting or lying down, and the pain is aggravated when standing up. Are there any remedies? Obviously, the first thing to do is to consult a doctor if you have chronic pain that affects your life, but in general, some advice can also be helpful. Instrumental examinations can also better clarify the causes of this pain, and may help you in the analysis and treatment phase. In the meantime, read our advice, it certainly won't hurt.
The causes of knee pain
It is impossible here to list all the causes of knee pain when getting out of bed or out of a chair. The most common are a misalignment of the kneecap, however mainly in women, tendinitis (inflammation of the tendons), bursitis (inflammation of the synovial bursa, located near the joint), bumps or wear of the cartilage (due to age or intense sports activity, or even weight). Some of the following tips may help you improve the situation, at least partially. And at such times, you know, even partial relief is welcomed as gold.
Posture when sitting is very important
The way one sits has a great influence on any physical pain one may experience over the years. Crossing one's legs, for example, is a position that is not at all ergonomic and promotes chronic knee pain, as it causes an unnatural twisting of the limb. Orthopaedists usually recommend sitting as simply as possible, like a man, to put it simply, i.e. slightly spreading the legs when wearing clothes that allow this (to be avoided perhaps with miniskirts or shorts).
Avoid resting on your heels
In the case of swollen knees in particular, avoid certain positions altogether, such as not squatting on your heels. This position is assumed, for example, when doing certain activities such as yoga or gardening. This position causes enormous pain in the joint, and is especially painful in the rising phase.
Strengthening the vastus medialis
One of the most important muscles for knee stability is the vastus medialis. This is the middle muscle of the quadriceps group, the one that extends along the middle of the thigh. A stronger vastus medialis better supports the patella and the surrounding bony structures. Good physical activity, in the sense of serious training of the quadriceps, significantly prevents the onset of knee pain in adulthood. Often, those who suffer from this pain when standing up have very weak quadriceps.
Other important exercises for the knees
Some specific muscle-strengthening exercises are very important for the prevention and reduction of knee joint pain. Still talking about quadriceps, leg extension is a fundamental exercise (without blocking or over-extending the joint when lifting). In addition, the adductors are also very important, so the seated hip adduction machine is really useful. This will develop the external rotator muscles of the hip. This second exercise can also be done at home, using an elastic band placed at knee height.
Wearing a brace helps fighting the pain
For everyday activities, while out and about or simply living, it may be useful to wear a sports knee brace. These special garments have a hole in the centre and a pad around the kneecap and help temporarily push the kneecap into its correct position. As mentioned, misalignment of the kneecap is one of the main causes of knee pain, so this brace can also help when standing up.
When to consult the doctor
In certain situations, it is best to seek medical attention directly. Some of these cases are: when you are unable to carry weight on your knee or if it appears unstable and saggy; when there is marked swelling in the joint; if you are unable to fully extend or flex your knee; if the joint shows significant deformity; if, in addition to having a swollen, painful and red joint, you have a fever; if you have severe pain in your knee following an injury; if the pain does not resolve within a few days.
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